Saturday, May 22, 2010

What A Clan Bake!

The Olsen Clan gathered for a baby blessing on Saturday, May 22. We blessed Ethan and Harmonie Nielsen"s new baby Rhys Roger. We had nearly 50 people (it was hard to count as many of the little ones wouldn't stay in one place.) Anyway, the blessing circle was huge and Rhys was bounced and bounced. It was fun to see relatives from as far away as Blanding, Morgan, and Logan. Lots of SLC family there, too. Soup, bread, cookies -- it was a regular feast. My mother, Nancy, now has 20ish Great-Grandchildren. There were five great-grandchildren under a couple of months. Two have now been blessed, and three more will be scheduled soon!. This is a picture of my mom with the five little babies. (a couple were propped from behind, ha ha) The babies, in no particular order, cause I can't really tell ) are Bronson Rodeback, Luke McFalls, Traxtron Olsen, Zoey Olsen, Rhys Nielsen.

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