Friday, November 19, 2010

We share a common enemy!!

I double dog dare you to convince me I don’t have the greatest grandchildren in the world. Come on. Just Try!
I love having grandchildren. Do you know why grandparents and grandchildren get along so well? They have a common enemy. (Drum roll) Grandchildren are your reward for allowing your children to make it to 21 alive, (drum roll).
No really, I have two wonderful grandsons, who are all boy. I have one granddaughter who is all girl, and a second beautifully precious 3-monthish granddaughter that is all chubby cheeks and smiles. She, I am sure, will be as precious as her brothers and cousin.
My oldest grandson, Parker, is so much like his dad. He is deliberate in his actions and his choices. He is shy one minute, and all noise the next. He has the sweetest eyes that melt grandma-great’s heart when he visits. Parker is reluctant to ask her for a piece of candy, (probably coached by his parents not to ask) so he stand near her with his big blue eyes, just waiting for an invitation from grandma-great.
His little brother, Aiden, on the other hand, has no problem asking. He has no problem flashing his wide smile, and venturing off to see what the world has in store for him. He is a confident one. He is also all rough and tumble. Big brother beware. Dad, you need to keep your guard up. Mom, you have your hands full. Little sister, I may get a little rough, but no one had better tease you or give you a hard time, cause they will have me to deal with.
The third in this family is my youngest. Born in September, Laney is a doll. So unlike her brothers. I look forward to her spirit shining as she matures.
Faye, my other granddaughter, is all girl. Drama Queen. She has beautiful eyes, (I think it is a running theme in my second generation, they all have beautiful eyes with wonderful expressionistic faces!) She plays with the two boys in the neighborhood that are similar in ages. They will use the sticks they find as pretend guns and swords, clubs and bats. She used the sticks as a magic wand, transforming objects into items of her desire. 
Universally, there is nothing like my hearing my grandsons holler with pleasure that “It’s Grandpa” when I ring the door bell at their home. It causes instant commotion, (sorry Kim). There is nothing sweeter than when my granddaughter is concerned when I go to get something out of the car, “Where  you going grandpa Jim?” She hasn’t tired of me yet.
Yes, there is nothing like grandchildren. And I dare you to convince me that mine aren’t the greatest. Of course, yours are a close second.